Product Illustrations

Fixed-Indexed Annuity Illustration Software

Includes illustration software for the following products:

  • American Landmark 3
  • American Landmark 5
  • American Legend 7
  • Index Protector 4
  • Index Protector 5 MVA
  • Index Protector 7
  • Premier Income Bonus
  • Safe Return

Web-based version 

  • Can be used with an Apple PC, mobile devices, iPads and tablets
  • Requires constant Internet connection
  • Works with Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers
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Registered Index-Linked Annuity Illustration Software

Includes illustration software for the following products:

  • Index Achiever Advisory
  • Index Summit 6
  • Index Summit 6 Pro
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Traditional Annuities Illustration Software

Includes illustration software for the following products:

  • Advantage 5 Advisory
  • SecureGain 3
  • SecureGain 5
  • SecureGain 7
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Single Premium Annuity Illustration Software

Includes illustration software for the following product: