American Freedom Elevate 7

American Freedom Elevate 7

Offer your clients guaranteed growth with American Freedom Elevate 7. This fixed annuity offers a base interest rate that increases 0.25% in years two through seven. This product accepts single purchase payments. For a complete product description, see the Product Overview in the Marketing Materials section below.

No MVA available in: AK, PA and UT

Simplify your client’s path to financial security

The American Elevate 7 may be an ideal solution for clients with a conservative approach to investments and a low tolerance for risk. Featuring a guaranteed increasing interest rate for the initial seven-year term this product offers steady, predictable growth without the risk of market volatility.

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Issue Ages

Tax Qualifications

Purchase Payments

Purchase Payment Minimums and Maximums

Early Withdrawal Charges

Market Value Adjustment

Free Withdrawal Allowance


Bonus Features

Payout Options

Marketing Materials

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